Thursday 9 February 2012

Health in the New: Article about Suicide

Article info

  • Title : Tacking South Korea's high suicide rates
  • Author:Lucy Williams
  • Source : BBC News sites
  • Date: 8 November 2011
Article link :

According to the government, more than 40 South Koreans are taking their own lives. In this article, the operators here say calls from people wanting to commit suicides are increasing and there's a limit to what they can do. So others call up seeking advice on the best way to commit suicide. There are some situations where they have intervened and helped stop the person taking their life but needs to be more fundamental solution.

Big Meaning
This article can be global social and emotional. Since Korean suicide rate is increasing and it is big problem socially, it is big problem in Korea and it can be affected to global rate of suicide by lots of people taking their own lives. Also the operators in the article claims that they can't limit the people who wants to die because those kind of people have big  problems emotionally in their mind, it can't be solved by others. They have to control by themselves' emotion. Therefore this article of suicide is related to one's emotion and it is global social problem. 

Personal Meaning
This article impact me personally by giving big shock of Korean suicide rate. I didn't know that Korean's suicide rate is that much high and it is considered to big problems in the world. And as I am Korean, many suicide are happend around me. So high suicide rate means a lots of people take their own lives, don't want to live anymore because of lots of stress from the school and parents, especially in high school period. Because Korean education system is really strict, it makes students almost die in hard study training. And parents want to their children to do more, to get better grade even though they already got good grade. And I had my friend who is taken her life already because of the stress of study and friends. And I heard that my friend's friend also suicided that she can't endure her stress. Hence only around of me, there are lots of suicide, my friends are going to heaven. It is really big problem. Because of this article, I think we need to improve that the rate of suicide should be decreased, then we need to have positive mind and don't think about suicide and always love myself and my family. If there is a person who wants to suicide, I can advice him/her to protect her death. Therefore no more suicide, be happy. 

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