Tuesday 3 April 2012

Illegal Drug Classification

1. What is the definition of this drug classification (characteristics)
- Steroid

2. What are a few examples of drug that come under this classification
-Bulking steroids: Anadrol, Dianabol, Sustanon
Rock-hard muscles: Halotestin, Trenbolone, Masteron

3. Short-term effects of that drug
- liver damage; jaundice; fluid retention; high blood pressure; increases in "bad" cholesterol.

4. Long-term effects of that drug. be sure to include physiological effect on the body.
- Males: shrinking of the testicles, baldness, breast development, and infertility.
Females: growth of facial hair, menstrual changes, male-pattern baldness, and deepened voice.
Teens: permanently stunted height, accelerated puberty changes, and severe acne

5. Street names for that drug.
- Juice, gym candy, pumpers, stackers

6. Pictures of what that drug looks like.


7. How that drug is taken.
- Orals steroids are taken through the mouth. To many steroid users this is the most convenient route of administration. Also injectable steroids are taken intramuscularly. When you take injectable steroids, make sure that you are injecting directly into the muscle and not into the veins.

8. Statistics related to that drug (example: % of teenagers using in 2008)
- 0.5% of 8th graders, 1.0% of 10th graders, and 1.5% of 12th graders had abused anabolic steroids at least once in the year (2010)

9. An interesting/fun fact about the drug.
- Steroids are prescribed by doctors to help with anemia or for men who don't produce enough testosterone naturally.

10. Overall analysis (in your own words) related to how dangerous you think this drug is. What are the dangers of this particular drug? In your analysis include what you think are the reasons a government would make this drug illegal (under some of all circumstances).
- I think this drug is really dangerous because Steroids can cause advancement and fusion of the epiphysis. It also increased risk of bodily hair growth,elevated the blood pressure and can be addicted then people have to inject this drug everyday then this has been medically linked to an increased incidence of strokes. Furthermore, it even faces a variety of potential heart related complications, among which are among increased risk of heart attacks and the possibility of coronary disease. Finally, it can leads to death. I think the reasons why the government makes this drug illegal are that Steroids are highly addictive so that can make many problems in a society by bad effects on people which means Steroids have harmful and potentially fatal effects on the human body.

11. If you used additional sources than the NIDA link, you need to cite your sources appropriately.
- http://www.dosomething.org/tipsandtools/11-facts-about-steroids

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