Thursday 19 January 2012

Health Interview

What is his/her relationship to you?

I chose my uncle who is my mom's younger brother. He is 32 years old.

1. Have you always been as healthy as you are now? Please explain.
 Yes, I have never been sick in hospital during my whole life. I'm always healthy as now.

2. What particular health habits in the following areas do you practice, that contribute to your level of health?

Nutritional Habits: I always eat 3 meals in a day at regular time. And I usually eat rice,                  don't eat too much of junk food
Fitness Habits: As my job is related to sport and health care, I exercise everyday at least one hour per day.

Coping with Stress: When Im stressed out, I exercise long time or drive to far away and sometimes I travel alone somewhere that I take a rest.

Dealing with Conflicts: I discuss the problem a lot and listen others' advices.

Keeping a Positive Attitude:  I don't be emotional even though I get angry or sad. I think once again before I start to act. And try to think in a positive way.

Any Additional Healthy Habits: I go to sleep early and wake up early. I don't smoke or drug and try to don't drink except the situation that I have to drink.
3. How did you develop these habits? Please explain.
 I always care about myself to keep my health in a good condition. Also have a good relation ship with people, so I am happy. Eat properly, try to make better habits for me.
If I have a bad habit, I notice it as soon as possible and put a lot of efforts to not do it.
4. What motivates you to practice a healthy lifestyle?

 From when I was young, I like to exercise so do sports, so I did various sports and physical exercise. Also I have got the job which is related to health care and sports institution, so I can care more  about my health.

5. Create a question of your own that you would like to ask regarding this person’s healthy lifestyle. Make sure that the question allows your interviewee to expand on his/her thoughts (not a one word answer).

Question: What will you do to keep your health be healthy for your elder life?

Answer:  I will keep doning exercise and maybe take some pills for my body condition and check my health regularly to prevent the big problem. Also be communicated with others, make many conversations to be not excepted from others.

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