Tuesday 10 January 2012

How healthy am I ?

I don't exercise much. To be healthy, I have to exercise at least two or three times a week but I don't.
And sometimes I eat junk food like hamberger and pizza. Also I sleep only few hours, so I'm always tired and sleepy.

I have many friends in here(Malaysia) and Korea. I still contact with Korean friends even I can't meet them. And I got many friends in ISKL in one year. However, I don't talk much with others except close friends and can't approach first to new people.

I am christian so I go to church every sunday morning. I believe there is a God and I pray to the God. I think the God care about us and lead us to good way.

I think I am active person and cheerful but my emotion changed easily, thats the worst thing that I have. Sometimes I get really mad by the small thing, but after a while be okay.

Now my occupation is high school student. So I have to study really hard for the good university. But I like to chill and hangout with others. Therefore sometimes, I can't concentrate on my study because I want to go out. But normally, I study hard and try to do my best on my work.

When I was young, I read a lot but recently, I don't read a book much even newspaper because I don't like reading, and I don't any effort to improve my intellectual. So I think my intellectural is not that high.

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