Wednesday 18 January 2012

Self Esteem

  • Is the source a good source of information?
 : Yes, I think it was a good source of information because it asked about myself esteem well and make people think again about their selves.

  • How accurate do you think the results are?
 : This results are accurate to me because the results said although I may not live with the constant fear of being tossed away by people in my life, I may sometimes go out of my way to attain the approval of others. And I strongly agree with that.

  • In what circumstances might results be invalid?
 : The results said if I don't fully respect and approve of myself, I project my image like 'I am not worthy and not good enough for you' which can result in the very rejection me fear. But I don't think im like that. It is okay that people think like that because I can have better aspects.

  • Are these types of online sites good to have available? Why/Why not?
: Yes. because it can check out self esteem faithfully and accurately. It is useful to check one's self.

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