Tuesday 29 May 2012

Letter to my child

Dear. my beloved daughter

Hello, this is your mom. You might wonder what this letter is. Well, I'm writing this to advise you something because I really do care about you. I heard that your father caught you for smoking. I can assume you have smoked since your age are curious of the taste of cigarettes or tobacco, also got offers from your friends, even somethings others more.
And yes, I understand you because it is a common happening in your certain age. But let me tell you this. You must have to understand what smoking, alcohol, or drugs can bring negatives effects on your body and even worse it may kill you.

Smoking and other stuff are able to cause of lung cancer. Even though the cigarettes have filter on them, it does not really prevent your body from harmful substances such as nicotine or tar and thousands of non countable chemicals which makes you get addicted to not stop. This is the reason why people can not overcome those easily. You will be not east to stop it as well, but you must do.

Also, as you are grown up, you have to be in charge of restriction yourself so that you know when should you stop drinking. If you are over drunken alcohol, you would be really intoxication which makes you lose the control of your behavior and mine, bring headache and even vomiting could follow. Just think about the worst case, what if you are drunken driver? You would be absolutely dead. So, I just want to make sure that alcohol makes you such like that, so please keep regulation so you don't make any happening.

More over, the drugs will be really bad for your health as well. If you are addicted at just once, it is too hard to rehabilitate and get back to normal life. It is a stimulant, so it may lose your tolerance and dependence developed. I know that there are many kinds of drugs, such as injection drugs, cocaine, hallucinogens like LSD. But they are all depressant. You better not take those! okay ??

You are my lovely child, as I worry about you much, I love you so much. So please, I hope you are not get in troubles with those. Thank you for reading my letter. Don't forget I LOVE YOU the most. :)

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